Hong Ying Ho, violinist,  entered Central Conservatory of Beijing at the age 11.  At age 12 performed for Isaac Stern and was subsequently selected to appear in the Oscar award winning documentary film “From Mao to Mozart” . At age 14 she won the 2nd prize in the China National Violin Competition and earned the opportunity to perform for Dorothy Delay thereafter. Delay immediately selected her to be her student. At age 16 she was representing China to participate (and received 4th prize) in the First Yehudi Menuhin International Violin Competition. Finally at age 17 she was permitted by her school and the government officials to study at the Julliard School. There she graduated with a Bachelor's degree in 1988 and Master’s degree in 1990. Moving to Hong Kong in 1994 she immediately established the Bauhinia Piano Trio with Mary Wu and Sarah Gaye, as a trio, they were invited to perform in the Hong Kong Arts Festival in 1997. After Sarah's departure, the trio had several cello partners in different times and continued to promote chamber music under the patronage of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and performed in more than 30 public schools. The trio was an Artist-in-Residence for the Chinese University 2012-13where they performed new compositions specially written for them.

She also premiered several new compositions with orchestras:  violin concerto "Op.0" by Wang Qiang with Beijing Philharmonic Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra and Xiamen Symphony Orchestra--a CD oflife performance was published along with WangQiang's work, 2000-2003; also premiered Situ Gang's "concerto for Erhu & Violin" 2007 in Hong Kong and Italy; French composer T. Brunet "Seuls Tes Yeux Deme urèrent" in Hong Kong 's MusicCarama, 2008 with CCOHK.

Ho has been a violin instructor for the HKAPA & Hong Kong Chinese University since 2003-2022, and for Yip's Children's Choral since 1998-2008.  She was one of the founding members of the City Chamber of Hong Kong and served the orchestra as concertmaster for 14 years.

She has been recorded by Hong Kong Radio 4 her complete Beethoven & Mozart sonatas in 2007-2009 , Ma Si-Tsong's sonata & other works in 1997; Bax/Paulenc/Corigniano in 2010. She also has 2 solo CD albums, 2 chamber music CDs and 1 live recital DVD published.

Ms Ho has relocated to Fremont, CA since 2020, teaching and hosting concerts for young artists in the Bay Area. She is passionate about making violin learning easy & popular to every household. With 30 years of teaching experience, she is among the very few teachers who knows how to conduct and has the passion in group teaching which is similar to the Suzuki violin method.


何紅英生於廣州。8歲前曾從師歐淑芳一年,之后與爸爸的同學的兒子黎振鵬 (后又變成師兄)習琴。隨后從師潘作瀚。紅英11歲時,考進了中央音樂學院, 師從孫的進和韓裡。中央音樂學院附中畢業后,紅英進了茱莉亞音樂學院与Dorothy Delay和 Masao Kawasaki 習琴, 在6年內完成了學士學位和碩士學位。

在茱莉亞學習期間,她曾參加紐約市內的學生比賽, 都有所收獲。1989年在卡內基音樂廳作獨奏首演,曾被紐約時報夸獎她是當時旅美杰出的小提琴家。紅英在學習間和畢業后都積極投入室內樂活動, 曾與Manhatten String, Manhattan Piano Trio 在美國,歐洲做過5年的巡回演出。1994隨先生搬到香港。不久,與吳美樂成立了紫荊鋼琴三重奏。1997被香港藝術節邀請作專場音樂會,同時也開始了她的教學生涯。紅英1999-2013曾任香港城市室內樂團首席。



